Message In A Bottle: Vetrazzo Colors: Vetrazzo® is a recycled glass surface comprised of 100% recycled glass. Vetrazzo is an exquisite surface material—truly a work of art—and it becomes the centerpiece for your home or project. So, what else makes it sparkle? A high glass content ( 85% by volume), expansive color palette, and story in every surface. From architectural to art glass, to beer bottles and jars, each mix is a signature blend of color and life that tells a story about you, too.
Here are some of our most popular colors
Alehouse Amber, Bistro Green
Cubist Clear, Cobalt Skyy
Floating Blue, Charisma Blue with Patina
Milefiori, Palladian Gray
For examples of all the Vetrazzo Colors either visit their blog or website!
Message In A Bottle: Vetrazzo Colors